Saturday 11 May 2013

Create a Dark, Conceptual Photo Manipulation With Stock Photography

Create a Dark, Conceptual Photo Manipulation With Stock Photography
Create a Dark, Conceptual Photo Manipulation With Stock Photography
Tutorial Details
  • Program: Adobe Photoshop CS5
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Estimated Completion Time: 15 - 20 Hours 

Perfect Gold Text Effect in Photoshop

perfection gold and glass text effect

Perfect Gold Text Effect in Photoshop

Gold and glass effects are the most difficult effects to achieve in Photoshop, even more when they are combined. So, in this tutorial I will teach you how to create a combined gold and glass text effect using quick and esay tips with layer styles in Photoshop. Hands to work!

What we will create in this tutorial.perfection gold and glass text effectCreate a blank a black document and fill it with black. Download the metal surface texture here. Place it on the document and down the opacity to 30%. Then, open the Layer Styles panel and give it a Color Overlay style.

Design an Abstract Style Sword Warrior with Fiery Effect in Photoshop

Design an Abstract Style Sword Warrior with Fiery Effect in Photoshop

Along the way, we will be using some photoshop retouching techniques, selection tools, cloud effect, texture application and custom brush painting.
In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Design an Abstract Style Sword Warrior with Fiery Effect in Photoshop. This is an intermediate level tutorial so some steps can be tricky, but why not have a try :)
Movie poster printing companies are a good resource to remember when you need to promote a show or a play.
Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)
fire sword warrior flatten 500x663 Design an Abstract Style Sword Warrior with Fiery Effect in Photoshop

PSD File Download

9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design

9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design

Web design can be deceptively difficult, as it involves achieving a design that is both usable and pleasing, delivers information and builds brand, is technically sound and visually coherent.
Add to this the fact that many Web designers (myself included) are self-taught, that Web design is still novel enough to be only a side subject in many design institutions, and that the medium changes as frequently as the underlying technology does.
So today I’ve put together my 9 principles for good Web design. These are only my opinions and I’ve tried to link off to more reading on subjects so you don’t only hear my voice. Obviously, I have lots of disclaimers: rules are made to be broken, different types of design work differently, and I don’t always live up to my own advice. So please read these as they are intended–just some observations I am sharing…

7 Secrets to Becoming a Graphic Design Superstar

7 Secrets to Becoming a Graphic Design Superstar

Every new designer aspires to be the best. However, this doesn’t come easy. You not only have to work hard, but you also have to develop good artistic, marketing and communicative skills. You need to know where to market your skills and how to capture the client’s interest. There are hundreds of tips and tricks but I would like to share with you just seven great secrets to becoming a graphic design superstar. The best designers understand these secrets and this is why they are the BEST.

Preparing and Talking About Your Graphic Design Portfolio

Preparing and Talking About Your Graphic Design Portfolio

As a graphic designer a portfolio is essential. While it’s great to have an online one, it’s also a good idea to have a physical one too to take along to meetings and interviews.
Putting together and showing this kind of portfolio of your graphic design work is quite a skill, and the best way to do it gets debated constantly by designers around the world. There is no right way of doing it – there will always be differences in what employers or clients expect, or would like to see. Some simple logic and advice will help you though, and I’m going to share what I have learned both from experience and from reading other articles.